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Audio Tour Executive Summary
Those who are passionate or concerned or just intrigued about our Earth and environment often wish for ourselves and others a toolkit that would allay fears, build trust and instill confidence for each of us to explore-acquaint-connect-engage with the nearby reality around us, both natural and man-made. For self-guiding visitors at outdoor venues and spaces, an enabling and also safety-enhancing tool for them is the Geolocating Audio Tour featuring a geolocating map on the visitor's smartphone accompanied optionally by customized audio-visual messages along any path through the venue taken by the visitor. An outdoor venue subscribing to host a Geolocating Audio Tour (at no cost in perpetuity for not-for-profits) leverages sustainable GPS-enabled AR and AI (Augmented Reality and Assisted Intelligence) technology that is familiar to venue visitors, and notably is available to all since the app can be accessed using just about any generation of smartphone. You might ask, do outdoor venue visitors really need a geolocating map? Undoubtedly you've seen navigationally challenged folks on trails everywhere, unsure of location and/or direction. As @NatlParkService tweets (2024May1) "There's nothing wrong with following your heart, but it never hurts to check the map too." Also you could take Apple's advice on this, from their announcement choosing AllTrails (by AllTrails, Inc.) as the iPhone App of the Year for 2023. Apple states that AllTrails "nurtures community through comprehensive trail guides and outdoor exploration for everyone." Apple's honoring of AllTrails is particularly heartwarming after we proudly shared news that Geolocating Audio Tour won 2nd place as 'Most Innovative' at the 35th Annual GIS Map Contest sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection at NJDEP headquarters in Trenton on April 20, 2023. That competition featured voting by professionals in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) from governmental and private agencies across NJ who are using mapping technology to collect, analyze, share and present all varieties of data. Also, we want to mention a well-received workshop by two professors from Union College in Elizabeth NJ at a September 2023 professional conference presenting their work with Geolocating Audio Tour. Users will never see the dreaded message "Your phone OS no longer supports the latest software update" when they begin to use Geolocating Audio Tour. That's because the app is uniquely browser-based and accessed through a web page, and is not developed and constrained within Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon or other app development ecosystem that requires the most current OS version. Geolocating Audio Tour also offers features not found elsewhere. Click the following to view example sites that continue to evolve and improve: Black Run Preserve NJ, Philadelphia PA murals, Jackson Woods Park in Long Branch NJ, NJ School of Conservation in Sandyston NJ, Turtle Back Zoo in West Orange NJ, Elizabeth NJ historic tour, social action in Newark NJ, Island Beach State Park NJ, The Watershed Institute in NJ, Brightwood Park in Westfield NJ. Note that you must be onsite to experience the GPS location indicator, and to hear and see messaging which is represented by orange circles. A special request to outdoor venue administrators: With the recognition given to geolocating maps in 2023 by Apple and NJDEP and countless enthusiastic users, please don't delay the very minimal commitment to nurture community through a geolocating trail guide that promotes outdoor exploration for everyone. Your venue simply subscribes (at no cost in perpetuity for not-for-profits) to arrange a few technical details. To complete the Geolocating Audio Tour set up we capture your geographically accurate venue map (though if you don't have such a map, the app easily helps generate a plot of your space). At your own pace you can begin to create and self-manage scripts and media content which, along with your Geolocating Audio Tour map, are immediately shared with visitors on their GPS and Internet-enabled smartphone or tablet. Note that after initially calling up a venue's web page, visitors usually can operate Geolocating Audio Tour throughout the venue without the Internet, in airplane mode. Click or copy the email address contact@nearbyreality.com or call 732-229-5234, to quick-start your Geolocating Audio Tour subscription, to engage with developer-facilitator Phil Falcone, share comments or questions, join our networking email list, or discuss possible strategies for your organization and your community to 'walk the talk' with your tour. We're also happy to explore with you how to incorporate supporter and donor acknowledgement and also advertising which can offer a uniquely engaging relationship with local or wider-area businesses that further builds community. Venues desiring to more fully exploit their Geolocating Audio Tour have requested this job description for a media content producer to help them enlist (staff, volunteers, a special hire or contractor) and possibly fundraise for this task. To help with your venue planning, you also might consult these updated links for the informative guidelines for excellence and justifications for environmental learning from the North American Alliance for Environmental Education (NAAEE) to help your decision-making regarding programs to encourage visitors to explore-acquaint-connect-engage-advocate at your venue. You can further leverage your use of Geolocating Audio Tour by networking with colleagues in the geolocating map movement. Please consider a tax-deductible donation through our arts-supporting fiscal sponsor Fractured Atlas. Your donation helps pay for no-cost Geolocating Audio Tour subscriptions for not-for-profit venues. Click here for a live demo, or view a YouTube intro video, or see advantages and benefits of the web page-based Geolocating Audio Tour described below:The above features bypass disadvantages of conventional Audio Tours:
- A Geolocating Audio Tour can substitute when expert guide staff are unavailable, to assure that the self-guiding visitor experience is rewarding and never inadequate.
- Audio Tour opens up opportunities to harness guide staff's creative power and expertise as they dynamically develop and evolve scripts and produce media content that can promote inquiry, forge connections, encourage respect, and motivate commitment during a self-guiding visitor's environmental experience.
- A Geolocating Audio Tour is accessed simply by calling up a web page on a smartphone of nearly any generation. There is NO app that must be downloaded or updated.
- A visual map of the venue appears on the visitor's Internet and GPS-enabled device with a live dynamic marker that continually shows the visitor's geolocation, and also indicates the direction that the visitor is walking (or if not walking, the direction that visitor's GPS-and-compass-enabled device is pointed).
- Following any route taken by the visitor and with no button pressing, Audio Tour automatically provides a customized sequence of audio and visual messages, each associated with a specific GPS location (POI or point of interest) within the venue (indicated as an orange message circle on the map). Message circle parameters such as radius and GPS latitude and longitude along with the message content are readily adjustable by venue facilitators.
- Multi-lingual capability is easily scripted, with choice of language continually selectable by visitor.
- Themes can be created and uniquely scripted, with choice of theme continually selectable by visitor.
- The game theme when selected on the user's device authentically simulates a directional radio tracker ideal for geocaching or treasure hunt games.
- Tour audio messages are most easily generated by typing in text scripts that then utilize the browser text-to-speech feature of any smartphone browser selected by visitor. There is minimal data usage on a visitor's cellular plan when an Audio Tour exclusively or mostly uses browser text-to-speech.
- A message alternatively can be a pre-recorded audio track. These tracks increase the cellular data bandwidth used by a visitor's device, however.
- Each message can include a pop-up graphic or picture in a small window that is overlaid on the map, that also can be made clickable to launch an external web page with additional venue resources. Alternatively by simply adding a URL, any message can directly include a pop-up web page in a small window that is overlaid on the map.
- Venue facilitators can easily add, delete or edit text scripts for browser text-to-speech, or upload or delete audio and graphic media, or assign or adjust message circles, using a browser on any Internet-connected device including desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone, with no GPS capability required. While editing, messages can be previewed on that facilitator's device either onsite or offsite, also with no GPS capability required.
- Signage and physical markers at the venue might be coordinated with an Audio Tour, for example by providing a QR code for visitors to initially launch the Audio Tour.
- The Audio Tour cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) is automatically maintained and kept up-to-date, with new features added periodically.
- The Audio Tour platform easily supports all venue visitors, since it is compatible with any browser operating on new or nearly any earlier generation of smartphones. By design the software platform efficiently scales up to handle large numbers of users at the same time without impacting quality of service.
- It is possible to constrain a message to a particular walking direction (or if not walking, the direction the device is pointed), though this may be better handled by script mentions of 'N,S,E or W' since the geolocating map is always oriented with north at top.
- The geolocating map dramatically bolsters a venue's accessibility, but facilitators also could incorporate specific Audio Tour content that boosts a venue's ADA, DOT, FHA, DHS, DCA Compliance and AJEDI (Accountability, Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion). Additionally, facilitators might develop GAT educational themes or even engage students in GAT content development as part of STEAMLA (STEM + Art + Language Arts) activities.
To send comments or questions please click or copy this email address contact@nearbyreality.com or call
- NO extra device that is rented out by venue and must be learned by visitors
- NO verbose signage that distracts and may cause uncomfortable congestion along a path
- NO continual button-pressing or separate QR codes to hear location-specific messages
- NO trying to interpret venue's static guide map to figure out one's location or direction
- NO app to download and manipulate or update
- NO Internet connectivity needed after browsing to Audio Tour web page IF messages are all browser text-to-speech without graphics-pictures... device can be switched to airplane mode
- NO excessive visitor cellular data plan usage is necessary
- NO expensive pre-recorded sound tracks are required
- NO exclusively non-timely or generic-only messages with Audio Tour's instant-update capability
at 732-229-5234.
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Audio Tour Demo
You can try theAudio Tour Demo on your smartphone or tablet at your current location, wherever you might be!
The Audio Tour Demo has a specially-generated map for product evaluation. An Audio Tour for an actual outdoor venue would show that venue's map, overlaid by the visitor's location marker along with a few easy-to-use buttons. Note that the edit button is NOT available for this demo. With the edit button, venue facilitators access menus to create or modify their Audio Tour messages. Email to nearbyrealitytour@gmail.com or call 732-229-5234 for more information.
Please first read the introduction below, then CLICK HERE to launch the interactive Audio Tour Demo.
- Choose an outdoor location for your start point so you can safely roam up to 50 meters (150 feet) in any direction.
- Launch the Audio Tour Demo web page. Then choose your language, read the on-screen instructions, and click to review the User and Customer License Agreement.
- If you accept the Agreement, click the button I agree.
- Then please be standing at your start point location, and stay there for the few seconds until the red-colored animated bird icon appears at the START POINT label at the center of the map.
- Click to choose a theme, then click the Listen button. If it is safe to do so, move up to fifty meters away from your start point in any direction.
- Expect to hear a message whenever the bird icon is within an orange circle. If there is a darker, thicker line segment along the circle, point the back or top of your device so the bird icon points toward that line segment to hear the matching message.
- Your choice of language and theme generates a unique set of messages, indicated visually by a different set of orange circles on the map.
- You can change language or theme at any time.
- The two most recently played messages will not repeat, but can be re-activated by clicking stop listening then start listening.
- You can reset your start point to a different location by clicking the set start button at upper right, or reloading the demo web page.
- The Audio Tour Demo has a specially-generated map for product evaluation. An Audio Tour for an actual outdoor venue would show that venue's map, overlaid by the visitor's location marker along with a few easy-to-use buttons. Note that the edit button is NOT available for this demo. With the edit button, venue facilitators access menus to create or modify their Audio Tour messages.
- CLICK HERE to launch the interactive Audio Tour Demo.
To send comments or questions please click or copy this email address contact@nearbyreality.com or callat 732-229-5234.
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Audio Tour Development Timeline
Since its September 2019 introduction at the ANJEE (Alliance of NJ Environmental Educators) Fall Conference, the Geolocating Audio Tour continues to leverage its robust design with additional efficient and user-friendly features. Listed immediately below are improvement milestones reached, starting with most recent going back to September 2019. Then following is a list of anticipated future goals and plans, contact info, and an inspirational poem. Please note that the most recent software revision date appears on-screen when an Audio Tour is launched.
Already-implemented improvements:
- Anonymous data indicating the specific location of all visitors using Geolocating Audio Tour at a venue is available to venue facilitators.
- An external webpage can pop up in a small window as part of an audio message by simply programming the link.
- On the Geolocating Audio Tour website at https://nearbyreality.com there is continual timely updating of the descriptive pages and operational guide.
- The graphic or picture that optionally pops up in a small window as part of an audio message can be made clickable to open an external web page.
- The location marker on a map now updates more quickly and responsively when user is moving or rotating a phone.
- Message circles overlaying a map are revealed only when map is panned or zoomed, disappearing after a few seconds.
- When using a laptop, just operating the mouse wheel alone will zoom the map in and out while viewing or editing Audio Tour content.
- If a theme labeled game has been scripted along with one or more caches being scripted and located on the map, then selecting the game theme causes the user's device to authentically simulate a directional radio tracker ideal for geocaching or treasure hunt games.
- The visitor's screen shifts to a more detailed map automatically and seamlessly when zooming the screen from wide to close-up if dual maps have been been generated (simply accomplished from one master map). Dual maps allow more information to be comfortably shared with the visitor.
- SVG format for maps is available for better resolution, and also for higher contrast when viewing in sunlight.
- Orientation of red location marker on map now consistently shows visitor's direction of movement regardless of how the phone is held, and whether or not the smartphone or tablet has a compass magnetometer. Whenever visitor is not moving, orientation of location marker defaults to the device's compass magnetometer if available, or if not maintains the prior orientation.
- Venue facilitators can change the theme associated with a message, and also now can create their own custom-named themes. Any theme can be eliminated from the home screen theme pulldown by disassociating all messages from that theme. Adding or deleting a map or language from home screen pulldowns still requires action by the software vendor.
- During Audio Tour editing, you can preview text-to-speech or pre-recorded audio along with the associated picture pop-up by clicking the Start Listening button. Message editing and preview can be onsite or offsite, with no GPS capability required on the facilitator's editing device.
- Venue facilitators (or their contractors) can directly upload media files (graphics, pictures and pre-recorded audio) to Audio Tour's web host servers, and also can delete these media files (mp3, jpg, jpeg, png, gif files 500KB or smaller) while they are editing their Audio Tour content. After uploading, venue facilitators associate their uploaded media with particular Audio Tour message circles.
- Pre-recorded audio and on-screen graphics or pictures can now be included in any Audio Tour message, with pre-recorded audio overriding a text audioscript. A picture can appear automatically as a pop-up window whenever the visitor is geolocated within the associated message circle.
- Overall screen ambiance was darkened for better viewing in sunlight.
- Significantly smoother map pan and zoom on smartphone or tablet was implemented.
- Range for map zoom was increased for touchscreen devices and also for laptops by adding zoom buttons to the editing screen (later replaced by mouse wheel and finger touch for zoom).
- Audio Tour menu button labels were revised at user request.
- Audio Tour features are continually optimized in response to on-site testing with users.
- Collaborations were initiated with stakeholders including historical society and landmark site friends-of groups, to prototype multi-themed Audio Tours for historic walking paths.
- Collaborations continue with environmental advocates and friends-of groups to develop multi-themed Audio Tours for urban parks.
- Grant applications were submitted in October 2020 and August 2021 in response to the Mosaic Environmental Movement Infrastructure RFP. Grant funding from public and private sources will help defray the cost of providing the Geolocating Audio Tour software platform free to nonprofits.
- Applied and was accepted for membership in Fractured Atlas (NYC). Accordingly, FA is now the Geolocating Audio Tour project's nonprofit fiscal sponsor, facilitating tax-deductible grants and donations to the project.
- Connected with a city Green Team, Environmental Commission and friends group to plan an Audio Tour at local park, including drawing an updated trail map.
- Improved location marker accuracy on return to web page.
- Implemented user device power-saving when not on web page.
- Anywhere-anytime demo longitude (horizontal) scale was corrected, now accurate.
- The message circle overlay on venue maps was made less obtrusive.
- Map response to user pan-zoom gestures was improved.
- License agreement terms (along with translations) were refined.
- Corrected Android direction-pointing error.
- Added feature for hosts to create trail-mapping markers while walking along a path.
- Performance improvements for better response to user actions.
- Ongoing maintenance for bug fixes.
- Improved screen performance so only the map pans-zooms, not other parts of screen.
- Reorganized databases to more efficiently service all hosts.
- Restructured data flow among software modules for better security and maintainability.
- Added pulldowns to improve audio message editing efficiency for hosts.
- Simplified displayed buttons so Audio Tour is easier and clearer to use.
- Re-programmed buttons to be visible only when needed.
- Fully implemented editing features for hosts, including displaying real-time updates.
- Shifted all venue host content to databases on server to improve core software maintainability and performance.
- Improved response of messages playing during Audio Tour.
- Refined user device GPS data access and processing.
- Implemented desktop capability.
- Improved Android functionality.
- Added license and disclaimer as clickthrough for use of Audio Tour.
- Added pan-zoom capability for user to manipulate map display.
- Enhanced location marker on map to show direction that device is pointing.
- Provided capability to launch user's favorite GPS app on smartphone with directions from user's current location to the precise GPS location of a venue entrance.
Future goals:To quick-start your Geolocating Audio Tour subscription, or converse with developer-facitator Phil Falcone with your questions and comments and to explore meaningful and memorable strategies for your organization and community to 'walk the talk' click or copy this email address info@nearbyreality.com or call 732-229-5234. The Geolocating Audio Tour project continues to evolve, perched on the shoulders of giants of media history. In the tradition of most media genres, Geolocating Audio Tour helps self-guiding visitors explore unfamiliar spaces and confidently move forward, as the inspirational poem below suggests. In her poem LET IT GO, poet Danna Faulds mindfully navigates to achieve a degree of certainty amidst vast uncertainty. Let go of the ways you thought life
- To improve accuracy of GPS tracking along a venue's trail map by refining Audio Tour's algorithms for improved startup, reduced interference, and better detection and offset of typical GPS drift of +- 3 meters.
- Experimenting with hands-free control of an Audio Tour including physically bumping device when it is less accessible such as in visitor's pocket.
- Arranging for e-commerce through our store at GoDaddy for payments for Audio Tour commercial subscriptions and hourly services.
- Facilitating tech-savvy HS students collaborating with younger students to share and update their learning and writings about the environment within an Audio Tour.
- Monitoring ongoing R&D in Artificial Intelligence (AI) engineering such as neural networks, fuzzy logic, and machine learning (ML).
- Monitoring AI-enhanced text-to-speech that promises natural near-human realism for synthesized voices. Avatar broadcast news presenters in Japan for instance demonstrate uncanny realism from varying parameters of voice style, volume, tone, intonation, emphasis, inflection, rate, pitch and pitch range, contour, pacing, and more.
- Adding cross-referencing indexes such as a venue attractions list that can link to particular locations on map or access related information.
- Testing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) capabilities of the Audio Tour.
would unfold; the holding of plans
or dreams or expectations – Let it
all go. Save your strength to swim
with the tide. The choice to fight
what is here before you now will
only result in struggle, fear, and
desperate attempts to flee from the
very energy you long for. Let go.
Let it all go and flow with the grace
that washes through your days whether
you receive it gently or with all your
quills raised to defend against invaders.
Take this on faith; the mind may never
find the explanations that it seeks, but
you will move forward nonetheless.
Let go, and the wave’s crest will carry
you to unknown shores, beyond your
wildest dreams or destinations. Let it
all go and find the place of rest and
peace, and certain transformation. ©2002 by Danna Faulds
Published in her book
Go In and In: Poems from the Heart of Yoga
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If Audio Tour Is NOT Working - Setup and Troubleshooting
NOT hearing audio messages?Make sure the ringer switch is ON and volume is turned UP. Red location marker NOT indicating your position or direction on the map? Confirm you're onsite within the boundaries of the mapped area. And, check your device settings:Android:
- go to Settings,
- click Privacy Permission manager,
- click Permission manager,
- click Location,
- click Chrome, Samsung Internet or OTHER browser,
- click to check-mark Allow only while using the app,
- click Location permission back arrow above left to choose ANOTHER browser, etc.,
- exit Settings
IPhone (newer):
- go to Settings,
- if NOT using WIFI, click Cellular,
- Cellular Data set to ON,
- click Cellular Data Options,
- click Voice & Data,
- click to check-mark LTE or 4G,
- click Back above left,
- click Back above left,
- scroll down to Safari or OTHER browser and set to ON,
- click Settings back arrow,
- click Privacy,
- click Location Services,
- Location Services set to ON,
- scroll down and click Chrome, Safari Websites or OTHER browser,
- click to check-mark While Using the App,
- Precise Location set to ON,
- click Back to choose ANOTHER browser, etc.,
- exit Settings
IPhone (older):
- go to Settings,
- if NOT using WIFI, click Cellular,
- Cellular Data set to ON,
- click Cellular Data Options,
- Data Roaming set to ON,
- click Cellular back arrow above left,
- scroll down to Safari or OTHER browser and set to ON,
- click Settings back arrow above left,
- scroll down and click Safari,
- Motion and Orientation Access set to ON,
- click Advanced,
- JavaScript set to ON,
- click Safari back arrow above left,
- click Settings back arrow above left,
- click Privacy,
- click Location Services,
- Location Services set to ON,
- scroll down and click Chrome, Safari Websites or OTHER browser,
- click to check-mark While Using the App,
- click Back to choose ANOTHER browser, etc.,
- exit Settings
IPad (newer):
IPad (older):
Laptop (for Audio Tour editors):
Laptop Edge (Microsoft) browser:
- go to Settings,
- click Cookies and Site Permissions,
- scroll down and click Location,
- Ask before accessing set to ON,
- click Site Permissions back arrow above left,
- scroll down and click Motion or light sensors,
- Allowed set to ON,
- click Site Permissions back arrow above left,
- scroll down and click JavaScript,
- Allowed set to ON,
- click Site Permissions back arrow above left,
- scroll down and click Pop-ups and redirects,
- Block set to OFF,
- click Site Permissions back arrow above left,
- exit Settings
- settings, cellular, cellular data on, options, roaming ON
- settings, Safari, advanced, JavaScript, ON
- settings, Chrome, cellular data, ON
- on IPad: settings, General, Accessibility, Speech, voices set to on
To send comments or questions please click or copy this email address contact@nearbyreality.com or callat 732-229-5234.